Maundy Thursday
This year we are doing Maundy Thursday a little differently. Usually the order of worship allows for a brief reading of just part of what Jesus said and did in the Gospel Account of John, followed by a sermon to illuminate that snippet of Scripture, and then Holy Communion. Due to circumstances being what they are, this year we will offer you something different, but no less holy We want to offer you an intimate sit down with your Bible and the opportunity to really explore what Jesus says and does. We get an unparalleled glimpse into the intimate relationship and conversation shared between Jesus and his Apostles on the night Jesus was betrayed. Maundy Thursday focuses on the act of service Jesus performs upon his Apostles’ feet by washing them. This is how Jesus, our Christ, chose to spend his last evening with them before everything would be changed. How will you choose to honor that willingness to cleanse all humankind from our sin? Associated Scripture: John 13:1-38.