Beyond the Pulpit 1.26.25

Crozetumc   -  
Good Morning Crozet UMC,
Last week began with a holiday celebrating the memory of a man who fought for equality and justice, and we observed the inauguration of a new president. It was a day to reflect on our values as individuals and as a country. It was a day to remember that our faith is what grounds us and we can support our country by engaging in prayer for our leaders and service to our community.
On that same day, our Church Council met and worked through a packed agenda. Along with administrative work, we reviewed our 2025 Priorities which include 1) Equipping and Connecting the Congregation, 2) Encouraging Service and Increasing Giving, and 3) Inviting and Including the Community. There are so many exciting opportunities that are in the works this year. I can’t wait to see what God has in store for us!
Also, this week, I attended a webinar hosted by the the United Methodist Credit Union entitled Creating a Yearly Stewardship Plan for Small and Mid-size Churches, and then I met with our Chairs of Church Council (Doug Gaskell) and Finance (Mike Micucci) to discuss what tools might benefit us at Crozet UMC. On Wednesday morning I got to talk about Kindness with the preschoolers for Chapel. And on Wednesday evening we held our first monthly staff meeting.
So I think we’re off to a great start to 2025, and I hope you’re excited about growing your faith personally and collectively at Crozet UMC! I hope to see you soon!