Beyond the Pulpit 8.18.24

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Last Sunday, I enjoyed joining the United Women in Faith for their quarterly luncheon and business meeting. I met some new folks there and am amazed at the mission and ministry this group of women accomplish (Save The Date: Sept. 7 – UWF Yard/Bake Sale!). I also made lots of pastoral care visits this week, and it was wonderful to meet some of CUMC’s longest-term members and hear their stories. It was also a joy to spend Tuesday afternoon with so many folks at Mrs. Rowe’s Family Restaurant in Staunton for the monthly Senior Luncheon. All senior adults are invited to join us for the next Senior Luncheon, Noon, Sept. 10 at Tip Top Restaurant in Charlottesville. On Saturday, I was able to visit the Crozet Farmers Market for the first time and meet the vendors and the Market Manager, Al Minutolo. I loved getting beautiful, locally grown flowers (pictured) from Sheral Flower Farm at the Market. The Market makes a generous contribution to Grace Grocery each year. I believe that gift will be made next Saturday, so come on out to the Market if you’re around!
Additionally, I’ve been taking an online course for clergy continuing education, as well as doing some long-range worship planning in preparation for Advent and Christmas!
At the church, new mulch was added on the playground, the floors in the Fellowship Hall and classrooms were cleaned and waxed, and the Church Nursery was updated! All of this is in preparation for fall activities for both the church and the Crozet Avenue Christian Preschool, which begins Sept. 3.
Speaking of Fall Activities…please plan to attend our Ministry Fair at 10 a.m. Sunday, Sept. 8 in the Fellowship Hall. This is a great way for all ages to see what is being offered this fall and chat with ministry leaders about how/where you might like to plug in and participate! This is an informal time of visiting and fellowship in preparation for our weekly 10am Sunday Grow Groups (Sunday School) for all ages beginning Sunday, Sept. 15. In the Listening Sessions in July, one of the common dreams that was articulated was the desire to have Sunday morning learning opportunities for all ages. Sunday Grow Groups are a response to that request! Think you might be interested in helping to lead a Sunday class for children, youth, or adults? Please reach out to me if you do, and plan to join us for a Grow Group Team Meeting at 10am, Sunday, Aug. 25! We’re in the midst of creating teaching teams for all age groups, and we’d love to have your help.
See you Sunday!