Blessed by this Year’s Vacation Bible Camp

Crozet United Methodist Church   -  

Blessing is the word that best describes last week’s Vacation Bible Camp, Operation Rescue Creation! With 110 children participating, it was a great opportunity for kids to discover both the creation story and how we can sustain GOD’s good green earth. But there is more. Children and volunteers participated in four recycling campaigns and raised money for a United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) mission project supporting clean water assess in Liberia. Add to that three different waste reduction practices that enabled children to focus on sustaining GOD’s creation here on earth. How did this become a reality? All of it was made possible thanks to the efforts of the 66 adult and youth volunteers who developed and implemented this fun filled week of bible stories, crafts, games, music, and science. It was a great week. Check out the pictures at