Beyond the Pulpit 3.2.25

Crozetumc   -  
Good Morning CUMC,
Last Sunday, we shifted our plans for both worship and Grow Groups, following the tragedy in our community that resulted in the loss of three lives. I’ve heard many responses from people who were appreciative of that time to grieve, to have conversation, and to support one another. One of the things that surfaced out of our time together last Sunday is a clear desire from our folks to be a source of support and comfort to the families of those who died and to our community. In the past week, I have been humbled to join you in extending love to our neighbors.

A small group of leaders from our church and from the community joined together early last week to share our ideas for support. The Crozet Night of Comfort is what has emerged. Please invite anyone and everyone to join us as we seek to “Reflect, Care, and Connect” with others in Crozet. This event will be held this coming Thursday evening 5-7pm, March 6, at Crozet UMC. You’re invited to bring a plate of cookies to share, if you’d like. Yellow Mug will be providing coffee. There will be a space to reflect in the sanctuary with live music and candlelight. Area clergy will be available for conversation and prayer. In the fellowship hall, there will be crafts and mindfulness activities offered by Rose’s Inspiration Station as well as local mental health professionals who will be available for conversation. A list of therapists who will be offering pro bono sessions will also be available. Outside at the plaza there will be therapy dogs and an opportunity to simply be together and connect with one another. Crozet Avenue Christian Preschool is providing blue ribbons with red roses to all who attend as a sign of solidarity in sharing comfort with our community. This event is open to all, and it is just one way that we can join together in supporting one another and extending love to our neighbors.
I have been in contact with the family of Peter Martin whose service was held yesterday at CUMC. Their family is grateful for the love and hospitality of our congregation. I have shared prayer shawls and offered pastoral care throughout the past week to Pete’s wife and children and their immediate family. Additionally, I was able to connect with Spangler family, through one of her close friends, and extend condolences on behalf of our church and offered support if needed. Most of her family is in PA, and her local friends are providing support to one another. Finally, I reached out to the pastor at Crozet Baptist Church to let them know of our prayers as they host the service for the Barbour family on Monday. I let Rev. Collyer know that we are ready to join CBC in their support of the family, and I asked him to please extend our sympathy to them as well.
Again, I urge you to join us for worship today and for our Crozet Night of Comfort on Thursday evening. It is always good to be together with you. It is through community and caring that we will find God’s hope for the future.
Grace & Peace,
Pastor Christy