Beyond the Pulpit 3.16.25

Crozetumc   -  
Good Morning CUMC!
This past week, I ventured FAR beyond the pulpit for a bit of sun and fun with my family. For the first time since my arrival at CUMC last July, I took some extended time away for a real vacation, and it was lovely! We spent the week in the Florida Keys (a Christmas gift from my parents for me and my sister and our families). We soaked up the sun and warm temps! We laughed a lot, and ate a lot, and slept a lot! I read 3 books: 2 from the 2025 UWF Reading Program!
It is always a gift to be part of a church who acknowledges and values time away for their pastors and leaders. Even Jesus took time away for rest and renewal! I am extremely grateful to our CUMC staff and leaders who stepped in while I was away, especially Council Chair Doug Gaskell who preached for me last Sunday to kick off the season of Lent, as well as Fred Richart who covered pastoral care needs while I was away.
I am looking forward to seeing you for Grow Groups and Worship this morning, as well Concerts on the Corner this afternoon featuring Queen City Acapella and the Wesley Four!
See you soon!