Beyond the Pulpit 2.16.25
Good Morning Crozet UMC,
Well, last week was certainly beautiful in Crozet with the winter snow that God shared with us! While “snowed in” I played “catch up” on things that were pushed to the back burner while I was at the clergy conference in Orlando the previous week! Sometimes a couple of good snow days does wonders for one’s To Do List! I’m hearing rumors that there may be more snow in our future. We will see.
I wanted to share with you one of the things I did this past week “beyond the pulpit”, and invite you to consider it as well. You might know Sean Powell. He is retired from the US Army and he and his wife, Traci, and their daughters Gwyneth and Hadley, often attend the Contemporary Service. Their son, Reagan, is part of our Praise Team. Did you know that Sean has been battling cancer and is in need of a living donor liver transplant to survive? He recently had his 30th chemo session, but says that his chemotherapy is losing its potency. You can learn more here.

This week, I completed the online screening form to see if I’m eligible. If you’d like to apply, feel free to click here, it takes less than 5 minutes! Even if you are unable to donate, we can all join in prayer for Sean’s healing.
Have a great weekend and I hope to see you soon!
Pastor Christy