Beyond the Pulpit 12.22.24

Crozetumc   -  
Happy Fourth Sunday in Advent Crozet UMC!
We’re almost there! My excitement is building as I anticipate celebrating Christmas with you for the first time!
Advent is always a special time. Beyond the pulpit this past week, I’ve had a variety of opportunities to spread Christmas cheer with our CUMC friends and family!
On Tuesday, I had a blast, caroling with our Music & Arts ministry. We visited our friends at English Meadows and at The Lodge. Caroling at communities like this has always been one of the highlights of the season for me. To see the faces of senior adults light up with joy is a gift. And when they sing along, it’s even better! I join Gary in hoping that this becomes an annual CUMC tradition!
On Wednesday, I was able to make some pastoral visits to some of our homebound folks in the community. It was quite meaningful to visit and share stories, along with prayer and communion.
On Friday evening, the Crozet Avenue Christian Preschool invited me to take part in their Christmas program. I was able to welcome the families, offer a blessing for their presentation, and invite them to our Christmas Eve services. Their show was ADORABLE! Seeing the sanctuary filled with parents and grandparents from our community was incredible. Gary Bibens provided musical accompaniment and Bart Isley set up a Winter Wonderland in the plaza, complete with clips of Christmas movies playing for the kids. The CACP students and staff did an amazing job and there was a spirit of joy throughout. It is a blessing to partner with CACP in ministry in our community.
Also, this past week, I am very pleased to say that after a few weeks of interviews, we have hired a new Administrative Assistant who will begin in January. The Administrative Assistant will be taking on the administrative duties previously performed by Debby Bibens, and Debby will be moving to a part-time independent contractor responsible for our bookkeeping duties. Stay tuned…we’ll announce the new employee in early January!
In other news, one not-so-exciting thing that happened this week was the realization that someone was sending out emails – supposedly from me – asking for gift cards to give to needy persons. PLEASE KNOW THAT THIS WAS NOT ME. The email address isn’t even mine. Unfortunately, this is the world we live in, and we must always be cautious. As is stated at the bottom of every CUMC staff member’s email… Please note that neither I nor any other church staff person will ever reach out via email asking for money, gift cards, or electronic transfers. Any official communication from our staff will come from a “” email address. If you EVER receive such a request, please contact me directly as well as the church office so we can take the necessary steps to stop unnecessary purchases which may not be refunded.
I send Christmas wishes to each of you and consider it a true blessing to serve with you at Crozet UMC. I hope that you will experience the hope and joy of Christmas with friends and family. I will be doing the same, and as such there will be no “Beyond the Pulpit” article next week. But I do hope to see you at our Service of Lessons & Carols on Sunday, December 29, at 10:00am. There will be no Grow Groups on December 29.
Merry Christmas!
Pastor Christy