Beyond the Pulpit 8.4.24

Crozetumc   -  

Wow! What a week! 

Last Sunday, I wrapped up the pre-scheduled Listening Sessions by meeting with our friends over at The Lodge. It was great to meet the folks there who are connected with CUMC. 

The rest of the week was truly a BLAST with Stellar VBS. 

I continue to be amazed at the staff and leaders of CUMC. Clearly a lot of time and effort was put into planning and preparing for this week. The creativity throughout the event was so special. I was grateful to be trusted with leading the opening and closing gatherings each day. I loved interacting with the participants, leaders, and families. You’ll get to see highlights from VBS during worship this Sunday.

Also on Sunday, please welcome my friend and colleague, Rev. JoAnn Batteiger, who will be stepping into the pulpit in my absence. I’m proud to claim JoAnn as a former Youth from back in the dark ages, when I served as Associate Pastor at Bon Air UMC. Now JoAnn is serving as the Assistant Director of Missional Engagement for the Virginia Conference, and doing an amazing job!

Communion Sunday is being moved to Sunday, August 11, so that I can be present to share the sacrament with you. 

As we gear up for the fall, our staff is working hard to offer meaningful worship and learning opportunities for all ages. Click here to see what’s in the works, and consider where you’d like to plug in! I’d love to have your participation wherever you feel led to connect. Please let me know!  Also, please take note of 2 exciting days:

  1. August 18 – Blessing of the Backpacks – Students and Teachers of all ages are invited to bring their backpacks and school bags as we celebrate the beginning of a new school year!
  2. September 8 – Ministry Fair – During the 10:00-hour between worship services, we’ll kick off the fall season with a time of food and fellowship. Come and connect with one another and learn about the variety of ministries available at CUMC. Ministry leaders, please let me know if you’d like to participate in the Ministry Fair.


– Pastor Christy Haga Turner