Kairos Prison Ministry Prayer

Crozetumc   -  

Kairos Prayer Ministry

March 16-19, Crozet UMC’s Doug Gaskell will be ministering as part of a Kairos team at Augusta Correctional Center. Kairos ministers to the incarcerated throughout Virginia, but it can only succeed with prayer. Will you partner with these men? Will you take 30 minutes to pray? Don’t know how to pray?

Get a detailed prayer guide here on our website.

Why would you care? The Gospel of Matthew tells us to visit the prisoners. The book of Hebrews tells us to remember the prisoners. 

It’s tempting to “let someone else do it,” but prayer is the engine that makes Kairos possible. Make a difference. Change a life. Sign up to pray for 30 minutes.

Guide for your time of prayer for the participants of KAIROS Prison Ministry

Dear faithful servant,
Time spent with God in prayer means a lot. It means a lot to the residents of each facility and it means a lot to the Team ministering to them. Throughout scripture we’re told to keep in prayer, to keep watch, to be always thankful. But still, 30 minutes?
Here are some ideas to help you get going (Hint: There are 30 ideas here, so if you spend just 1 minute on each, you’ll be done!)
Please pray:
1. Giving thanks for the opportunity to pray.
2. For strength during this time of prayer.
3. For the presence of the Holy Spirit.
4. For the Participants, though we don’t know their names, God does, and to be
touched by Him for the Kairos Weekend.
5. For the Team serving the Participants on the inside the Correctional Center.
6. For the Churches of the Team Members.
7. For the Weekend Leader for strength, courage, wisdom and the Holy Spirit’s
leadership thru them.
8. For the Spiritual Directors for guidance.
9. For the Table Leaders for wisdom.
10. For the Assistant Table Leaders for patience.
11. For the Outside Support Team.
12. For the Music Team.
13. For the families of the Participants.
14. For the victims of the Participants’ crimes.
15. For the Participants.
16. That the Holy Spirt claim these men and women.
17. That these men/women open their eyes and heart to the Holy Spirit.
18. For bonding of the Team and the Participants.
19. For the families of the Team.
20. For the Correctional Center Warden and Deputy Warden.
21. For the Correctional Center staff.
22. For the Corrections Officers.
23. For the Church inside the Correctional Center.
24. For each of the residents that serve the team and participants.
25. For your fellow prayer warriors.
26. For moving of the Holy Spirit through the Forgiveness Service.
27. For safe travel for the Team to, and from, the Correctional Center.
28. For the previous Kairos graduates inside the Correctional Center.
29. For the participant who needs it the most.
30. For the participant who thinks they need it the least.