A Children’s Update from Director Whitney Huff

Crozetumc   -  

Hello CUMC families!

It is so great to have your children as part of our growing children’s ministry! The past four weeks, we have been learning about the life of Moses and the freeing of the Israelites from Egypt. This week we are using a computer app to tell the Bible story. I wanted to tell you about this app as it is a great way to reinforce what we are learning in children’s worship in a fun and interactive way. There are Bible stories with interactive activities, games, challenges and quizzes. It can be a fun way for your whole family to learn about the Bible together!

The app is called Bible for Kids.  If you want to review everything we have learned about Moses, read,  “A Baby and a Bush,” “Let My People God” and “God makes a Way.” We are sending home coloring sheets from each stage of Moses’ life that we have learned about. We did an activity Sunday to see if the children could put the events in sequence. You might want to try this at home as a family.

        In the following weeks we will learn about what happened as the Israelites travelled through the wilderness into the Promised Land. I have found that if you teach the Old Testament chronologically, children can understand the Bible historically and it makes the events more relevant than just isolated stories. I hope your children will enjoy this journey through the Bible as we learn about God’s faithfulness to his people throughout the Bible and to us today.

If any of you would like to help as a volunteer in children’s worship, please contact me. You don’t have to have any experience, just a willingness to serve and help our children’s ministry.  You can volunteer for any time frame you are comfortable with – twice a month, once a month, once a quarter — whatever you are willing to give of your time. 

        If you have any ideas, suggestions or things you would like to see happen in our children’s program, please always feel free to contact me.  I am here to serve your children and your families in any way I can!

                                                                                               Love in Christ,

                                                                                            Whitney Huff

