Worship Update

Crozet United Methodist Church   -  

To our Family in Faith,

All of us have experienced a tremendous upheaval in our lives during this time of unprecedented isolation.  In the tension between keeping people safe and experiencing the blessings of the Body of Christ, we at Crozet United Methodist Church continue to look for opportunities to bless, serve, and responsibly gather.  We have received new restrictions, requirements, and guidelines from our Bishop and Conference office.  Our lay leadership, staff, and volunteers are working through the Bishop’s requirements and developing a plan to move forward.  As this involves multiple teams, committees, and boards, we ask for your patience and prayers as we are discerning and working together.  While we have no definitive answers at this moment, we wanted to let you know what we have heard and deeply felt the need to gather for worship and fellowship, as well as the call for safety and caution.  To this end, we endeavor together and prayerfully consider all options.  No matter what the future holds for in person gatherings and worship, we will continue to offer our live streaming for Bible Study, Worship, and small groups.  Our hope is to offer you options that allow for you to feel safe and confident in your level of participation.  You are of utmost importance to us, and we consider it an honor to serve you.

In Faith, Hope, & Love,

Pastor Sarah