February 26th Worship: Ash Wednesday

Crozet United Methodist Church   -  

The ashes of Ash Wednesday are part of an ancient tradition from the Bible: to put on ashes as a sign of mourning. On this day, we mourn our sinfulness, our willful disobedience, and our waywardness that brings about separation between ourselves and God, as well as other people.  We in the Church choose to begin Lent, a period of introspection and preparation for Easter, by acknowledging our faults and failures, so that we can move beyond them by finding God’s forgiveness and embracing God’s grace. Freed from sin and guilt, we are only then truly able to appreciate the miraculous blessing of eternal life we glimpse on Easter in Jesus Christ. This Wednesday night at 7:00 pm. Join us for this journey from darkness into hope, illuminated by our Lord and Savior.