Our Advent Offering: Medical Debt Relief

Crozet United Methodist Church   -  

42.9 million is a staggering figure, but that’s the number of
adults who struggle with medical debt. In fact, research shows that 66.5% of
all personal bankruptcies are tied to medical issues. But this year, through
our Advent Offering we can make a difference.

Advent, Crozet UMC is partnering with
RIP Medical Debt to help those in need.  Working with RIP Medical Debt (a New York
based 501(C)(3) organization), we can purchase and retire existing debt at
deeply discounted rates. In fact, for each $1 donated, approximately $100 can
be forgiven and EVERY dollar given goes to medical debut relief. Relief
for those in need. Relief for people who earn less than 2x the federal poverty
level. Relief for people whose debts are 5 % or more of their annual income. Relief
for people facing insolvency.

Medical debt destroys the
financial stability of large segments of America’s most vulnerable communities:
the sick, the elderly, the poor. It devastates the middle class, driving many
families who are barely getting along into poverty. Medical debt isn’t the
result of bad decisions. It’s a debt of necessity. But through our Advent
Offering, we can change that.

We are called to show GOD’s
great love. We are called to help the sick, the elderly, the poor. This year’s
Advent Offering can do all of that. You can make a difference. You can change a
life forever. This Christmas season celebrate the birth of Christ with a contribution
to Crozet UMC’s Advent Offering.